Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Note to Self

Dear Future Self,

A year ago, you were sitting at a computer wondering where 2009 went and what 2010 would bring. You were worrying yourself sick about making perfect and absolutely correct decisions. You were changing your mind on a daily basis. And you were driving your poor husband crazy. You're lucky he stuck around! Don't you feel silly now Future Self? Looking back on all that didn't change a thing did it?

You found a job you really love. And guess what? You're good at it too. When it came down to it, the job found you. All the agonizing about where to live and whether to move closer to family or be in a city you love came down to following your heart. So simple.

Those goals you had for yourself? You know the ones...finish a triathlon, practice speaking spanish, conquer your fear of making bread from scratch, learn how to knit. Well, you reached them all. Not so bad for a year! So stop being so hard on yourself and just appreciate the little victories because they add up to something pretty special.

Future Self, you may not believe me but there will come a time when life is crazy and you and your husband can't hear each other over the noise of screaming kids and you are feeling burned out by the practice of medicine and you no longer have the time to bake bread from scratch. And you will long for these days.

So, a bit of advice from 2009 me to 2010 you. Learn from this year. This wonderful amazing year. It has gone by so fast. Let go of the angst and enjoy the ride. The memories you've created will get you through those crazy years ahead. Promise.

Present Self

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